Church Planting?
Kristen and I are investigating church planting in Northwest Arkansas. We are in the very preliminary stages. Our plan would be to move to Arkansas soon with the understanding that it will take a couple of years to build a core team. Church planting is slow great commission work that requires a mature, motivated and outward-focused core to build a church that will reach the unreached and the unchurched.
Our church here in the PNW is supportive and they desire to partner with us as our sending church. Join with us in praying. We need to immerse our plans in prayer. We are convinced that God will need to open doors and encourage us despite our fears and despite the presently unforeseen obstacles. HE alone can create a new church and cause it to come to life. Without him we can do nothing. Please pray for God’s will to be accomplished through our efforts.
More to come later. This was just a quick update.
As we continue to move forward, this website will change focus. The new purpose of the site will provide updated information on a new church plant in NWA rather than a online resume for existing churches.
Reach out to us via email or phone. We need your support and encouragement and would love to hear from you!