Pray for us!

  1. Pray for Bart as he goes to Idaho to get the rental truck this Friday! Pray that it is not windy. Pray that the passes are clear. 3/27/23. Answered.

  2. Pray for us as we travel Sunday thru Tuesday. Pray that it is not windy. Pray that the passes are clear. Pray for our vehicles. 3/27/23. Answered. Our trip was delayed with a snow storm in Wyoming but we arrived 4/6/23.

  3. Pray that God would prepare a people to join the new church plant. We are excited to see where and who God calls to His new body. 3/27/23. This is being answered. Currently in process! Answered. We started meeting on Sunday mornings for Worship, Word and Communion. 6/18/23

  4. Pray for our local connections in Arkansas that they would be strong and healthy and a great support to our church plant. 3/27/23. Answered. God has given us discernment.

  5. Pray for Carmen and Beau that they can leave California and join us in Arkansas soon. 3/27/23. Pray for Carmen’s upcoming court date - now in October 2023. Pray that she is allowed to move… UPDATE - It has been a year since Carmen began the legal process to move. Pray that legal efforts to continue to stall out the process for a court decision would be thwarted. NEW UPDATE - Carmen’s trial is set for January 17th, 2024. Pray the judge lets her move to Arkansas. NEW UPDATE - ANSWERED 02/02/2024 Carmen has moved to Arkansas! PRAISE THE LORD.

  6. Pray for Bart’s ankle to be healed from climbing fall. 4/23/23. Continue. My ankle is better but weakened. I sprain it often without much effort. Answered. I have a little pain when I jump.. but only in that kind of extension. PTL 8/17/2023

  7. Pray for provision as we remodel our church space. We need AC and sound equipment. Repairs will also require funds for painting, plumbing and electrical. 6/21/23. Answered - We now have AC and sound equipment. The walls and attic have also been insulated. New windows go in this Saturday! 8/17/2023

  8. Pray for our launch on 9/17/2023. We want God to receive all the GLORY! He has done this! Answered - Our launch date was amazing! The church is established and growing.

  9. Pray for conversions. We desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are lost, wandering or disenfranchised. Pray that God would give us opportunities. Pray that we will be bold and that words would be given to us as we explain the glorious good news of salvation! 8/17/2023. Answered We had a young man receive Christ on Sunday 2/4/2024. Continue to ask for more!

  10. Give GOD thanksgiving and praise… He is building this church. We are overwhelmed by His goodness! Pray for us as we seek to plant more churches in NWA. Pray for leadership, specifically elder qualified men. Pray for a new location for our new church plant to gather and worship. UPDATE: We have core group meetings happening now to prepare for a new church plant! Pray that God builds this new church! UPDATE: We will finish having core group meetings because we have a launch date for a second church plant!

  11. Pray for new elders to be raised up. Praise - God has provided James to enter into the elder exploration/examination process! Pray for his edification through the process and that he would complete the process and be approved by the congregation.

  12. Pray for a new facility to plant a new church UPDATE : Answered! God has provided us an amazing historic church to gather in! His providence is all over this location.

  13. Give God Praise for Grace Covenant Reformed Baptist Church which began on Feb 2, 2025!