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Psalm 19:1-4.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
Their voice[b] goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
This evening we drove home from spending the day in the mountains. As we drove into Denver, the sky behind us was ablaze as the sun slowly moved westward. The mountains were flatted black and gray below the fiery sky. I watched in amazement in quick glances in my side mirror as I drove east. It was God. The sky was screaming to look up to the God who paints the sky.
We are deaf to the call. “Because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” (Romans 1:25). Wickedness in our core makes us believe the lie that what we need is not the painter of the sky but rather more of the stuff he has made. I believe the lie. It’s easy to do. Just look down. Look down into your hands and imagine something else that you could fill them with: a new phone, a fit bit, or a little more cash. Materialism helps you ignore the sunset that points you to God. What is it that you have to have? What do you have that if lost, it would make your life un-livable?
The answer to that question is determined by where you are looking. Up or down.
Look up.