The Battle Rages

Somehow I forgot that this week had a major holiday, July 4th and I filled my week on Sunday with appointments as usual. For some reason my Tuesday was sparse except for an early morning coffee with Gary (which was amazing, He prayed for my “easy” day…I had no idea how important that prayer would be). I had planned on catching up with some administrative/worship planning, also catching up on my bible reading and perhaps do a little bit of light cleaning around the house before Kristen got home for work. An easy day.

Then, I got the call. Only 3 days left to stand as our opponents gather signatures to put abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In every state that abortion amendments reach the ballot… every state so far.. abortion gets enshrined in that state’s constitution. Only 3 days left to keep them from getting the last 8000 signatures needed. The call was for someone to stand in protest to abortion in Fayetteville. Someone to say this is not ok. Someone to ask people if they had read the amendment. Someone to calmly discuss the vague and deceptive language that may have them sign for something they don’t actually support. Also, someone who didn’t have much planned on his schedule today.

I had to go. I had just preached a message on Sunday that stressed loyalty to God. Part of the sermon was never spoken.. it got cut because of time… but I had written it. I was the only one to hear it. Apparently it was a challenge specifically for me. I heard from my own pen…. This week - How are you demonstrating your loyalty and allegiance to Christ… Is he first in all things?  Where in your life is there competition for your loyalty.. your time.. your focus. You will either be a loyal follower or a cowardly deserter of Christ. That sounds so harsh and sadly there is no squishy middle ground… So, we must face that reality and ask, “Have I resolved in my heart my complete allegiance to Him?” Because it is very easy to say we are loyal while never showing up when it counts.

I think this was one of those times when showing up actually counted for something. I just wanted people to see someone who cared about this.. cared enough to do something. And just maybe because some guy showed up… maybe they would be convicted to stand as well. I was there for six hours, mostly alone. They (the canvassers) didn’t want me there even though I was silently standing on the sidewalk simply holding a sign and praying. One person with a sign is an easy target so they began to insight signers to come argue with me. Their tactic was to distract me with heated conversations so I couldn’t hold my sign toward the street. I’m not used to being hated or spat upon. They sent a couple of angry women my way.. so I began to get loud.. calling to the people at the signing tables. I began asking them if they had read the amendment. I asked them if they would like more information so they could make an informed decision whether to sign or not… all while standing in the public sidewalk. They really just wanted me to go away…not to get more interactive.. so they backed down. Then, Sarah Cox, Dana and Sharon showed up which was a great support. It was so good to see friendly faces. With greater numbers protesting, they resorted to taking pictures and videos with their phones. Which made sense when the police arrived. The officer was actually very nice. Since he had been called out, he was required to speak with us about what we could and could not do. All of which we knew and were in compliance. Sarah prayed for me before she left. After a long day, I left tired and very sad.

The sadness hit me hard as I felt the flood of their hatred. I stood in opposition to their sacred right so I deserved only their wrath. They were loyal to their god and I was being loyal to mine. Sadness at the futility of trying to convince them that killing a baby in its mother’s womb, for any reason, is an abomination to God. They had ears but could not hear. Also, sadness because I was surrounded by churches. There were 5 churches that were visible from where I stood and one was allowing the signature gathering in their parking lot (note: they claimed not to support abortion).

Where are God’s people?

Can you hear the blast of the war horn? Will you rally to the fray. The battle is still raging and it’s far from over.

PS. Thank you to all who prayed, called and texted me with encouragement! You heard the blast, It was great to know I was not alone….and I know it counted too. I’m so grateful for a church that desires to make a stand….with fealty only to our King.

PSS. I was on the local news several times after giving an interview. I was grateful that the media represented me well in their broadcast. You never know how they might use a sound byte!

Sorry for the face… I was using it to hold the sign so I could take the selfie!


The Battle Belongs to the LORD


Phase 2