Was it worth it?

When I finished seminary with my MA in Counseling, I said, “I’m so done with school.” That was twenty years ago. Tomorrow, I will take my last final and attend my last class for my MDiv. So, was it worth it? The short and long answer is, “Yes.”

I can study the scriptures in the original languages. What is more, I can pronounce Greek and Hebrew words correctly! I am also leaving school with a fresh way to look at church and leadership. I am a better shepherd for God’s flock.

Was it worth the cost? It did cost me, but it cost my family more. My son has paid for me to be here. He left friends and a familiar school where he belonged. My wife has paid for me to be here. She has worked full-time, so that I could study. She has been exhausted and disconnected from friends and family. My daughters have paid, being far from home, they have had no home to go back to because we sold it. So to my family, I say, “Thank you for paying the cost for me to go back to school.” I hope that you see the years of ministry that come next and feel like these years have been worth it.

What is next? I am praying for God’s direction. I am seeking a place to serve him and the bride of Christ. I am ready to do ministry again.




What to believe?